Biodiagnostics with Plasmonically Engineered Nanoprobes
报 告 人:Prof. Jwa-Min Nam, 韩国首尔国立大学
报告人简介:Jwa-Min Nam is Professor at Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Hanyang University in 2000, working on computational chemistry and drug design. Jwa-Min received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University in 2004 under the supervision of Professors Chad Mirkin and Mark Ratner, where his graduate work mainly focused on nanoparticle-based biosensors. He then moved to UC Berkeley as a postdoctoral fellow to work with Prof. Jay Groves, working on supported lipid bilayer-based cancer cell interfacing platforms. He received the Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellowship for International Scientists (2014), Distinguished Lectureship Award from the Chemical Society of Japan (2013), the Presidential Young Scientist Award from the President of the Republic of Korea (2012), the Young Inorganic Chemist Award from the Korean Chemical Society (2012) and the Victor K. LaMer award from the American Chemical Society (2006). His major research interests include the design, synthesis and optics of plasmonic nanostructures, nanocarriers for bio-imaging, delivery and therapeutics, nanoprobe-tethered lipid bilayers, cell-nanostructure interfaces, and biosensors.
Designing, synthesizing and controlling plasmonic nanostructures with high precision and high yield are of paramount importance in optics, nanoscience, chemistry, materials science, energy and nanobiotechnology. In particular, synthesizing and utilizing plasmonic nanostructures with ultrastrong, controllable and quantifiable signals is key to enhanced spectroscopies, nanoantenna, plasmonics-driven chemical reaction, various chemical and biological detection and biological imaging applications. Here, I will introduce newly emerging molecularly tunable and highly programmable plasmonically coupled and enhanced nanogap structures with strong, controllable and quantifiable signals including plasmonic nanogap-enhanced Raman scattering and photoluminescence.1-8 I will also show plasmonic nanoprobe-modified supported lipid bilayer systems that allow for massively parallel single-particle tracking with dark-field light scattering and reliably quantifying biomolecular interactions on the basis of target molecule capture-driven interparticle plasmonic coupling. I will discuss how these new materials and platforms can lead us to new breakthroughs in biodiagnostics.